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Clint Goble
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Clint Goble is a friend of mine, learn about him here.

I met Clint a while ago, back when he was known as CJ we played baseball together. Then I didn't see him for a long time until I went down to Hamilton Park and saw him playing basketball, but I didn't like him that day. Then when I went to Northside I started talking to him and now I don't hate him. We used to sit at the same table during lunch for most of 10th grade.


Birthday: November 27th, 1986
Height: 5'11"
Weighs: 150 lbs. 
Address: 660 3rd Street
Occupation: He does not have a job, but he is looking for one.
Hobbies: Coming over to my house and/or being bored.
Marital Status: Single


The Slide

One time Clint came over to my house and we went swimming in my pool with Andy Bricker. And if you have ever went down my slide on your stomach you know it doesn't feel good. But some how Andy talked Clint into going down the slide like that like 30 times and I laughed for about an hour.

The Bear
Because me and Andy Bricker have so many stories and me and Clint have none the one time Clint came over and said you guys could probably just say something stupid like "the bear" and it would be a story. And now it is, but it's Clints story.

Clint bet me 10 dollars that I wouldn't be able to go all summer without cutting my hair. And I won that bet so he paid me $10.00 and I am happy.


Clint Goble